Caesium is Explosive.
Saturday:Gig at Toa Payoh CC.
Okay, Cesspit best.
Sunday, The Next Day:
Reached home around 8+ and had to listen to Mummy's beautiful voice blaberring about me not coming home.
Grab bantal, tido sua.
Woke up at 2.3o++ and received an SMS.
AhBoi ---
"Ben.....datang siang sikit keje....kul3....pagi takde.....aku gan eddie je....please eh....thanx..."
That was what he sent me. From start till end.
I swear i tried to understand.
Finally, understood and bathed.
Reached work feeling half-dead.
and then, blablablablabla. finished work and went home.
Today. -sigh:
F-Boring day.
School sucks.
Mr Cheng showed us videos during Chemistry. Caesium is explosive. ;D
okay da. bye.
bye uh.
life gets boring-er,
each and every day.
Let's Shuffle In The Middle Of The Moshpit.
Saturday:Punched, Kicked, Pushed.
Lets Go Mosh Again Like We Were Fighting For Sparta. ;D
Fucking looking forward to 26 of July.
okay, thats all.
And to think i wanted to spend the day/night with you.
nvm, i'll get used to it.
Saturday Night:
I am Very bored, i swear.
{♥} Aииιe Paгιѕсhιc™ (She flew to Paris.) says:
post abt me too okay?
{♥} Aииιe Paгιѕсhιc™ (She flew to Paris.) says:
i wanna read.
Annie is a Horny Mum from MILF in disguise.
hahha. xDDD
okay da.
I Miss Everybody Already.
Kasman paitao, cakap jumpe kat *Scape.
*middle fingers* hahah. kau nye ciggies coming soon. ;D
Marx, i read your blog. $2oo on September, and you'll be a ________.
okay la, bbye; to you freaks.
Kas most probably failed Grammar Test and passed Grandma Test. xD
fast, faster,, hotter, hottest.
big, bigger, biggest.
small, smaller, smallest.
cool, cooler, coolest.
lame, lamer, lamest.
kas! says:
i wrote good, gooder,goodest
hahhahahahaha !
Lick Dicks. Suck Pussies.
I Miss Alot Of People. ):
Hello Elly Evans, I Miss You Fuckloads.
okay da, bye.We'll Lay And Watch The Moon As Aliens Do Their Jiggy.
hello. i just came back from Cityhall.left home at 2.44 to meet Shahfiq at Tiong Bahru.
met Hanisha, Kas and Norah + The Mods too.
made our way to Cityhall.
i and Shahfiq went to buy ciggs while looking for Marxie.
after meeting Marxie, Kas met Rad who was with Syafeekah.
da long time tak nampak muke die. hahha.
okay then lepak-ed at Adelphi with everyone.
it was boring as no one wanted to move to somewhere else.
we were there till about 6/7+ until the skins and metalheads proceeded to Fort Canning Park.
it was TOO boring there as i knew no one. so i turned back to meet shahfiq Again. -_-
so, Shahfiq, Paii, Yus, Kas and Hanisha were there.
all of them plus Me and Marxie proceeded to Cermin.
wth, i miss like evryone there. :D
i saw, Hannah, Zuee, Ryemie, Juju, Lisa, Fitri, Kurt etc etc.
out of a sudden, while leaving 7eleven with Kas, Shahfiq call asking to go to Peninsula.
abey call again, saying not to.
matrep attack again.
konek takde, nak kasi suprise2. Shahfiq nye birthday da over, suprise ni sume tak perlu.
after all that, met Shahfiq, Paii and Yus at Cityhall.
Talked about [^-^v, you know i know.]
okay so, after that we went home while Shahfiq went to busstop.
pat MRT ade matrep, Paii saying that they were the ones.
baru nak start joke, matrep2 tu da biken joke. hahhaa.
kental uh korang, seriously.
okay da, pastu balek.
Shahfiq and Marxie, korang Rock. \m/_ , haha. ;D