I read kas's lj and got this ;
And.. (From Zul)
Wonders is not a crew. Not about Rudies. Its a family, we establish great bonding. We don't feel good having friends behind us but we feel good always being behind our friends. 8 founder and now establishing great family. All about trust and love between each other. We respect noone except for ourselves and our featuring :)
We may always disturb each other, but i know each one of us knows we love each other. Baek uh! ;D
The only way to end School is to attend School until it ends. Thats the only way. I finally realised.
And, only some people point that correct direction. Be thankful you got them. Cause i am.

Quite true.
Ton-ed nearly for the whole week. With the true Wonders. Very fun, happy, happening. Probably the best period of my life, will never forget.
SO, i realised, reality is the worst shit you'd ever want to return to. Be it a dream, hallucination, or even losing yourself to another dimension/world, it always makes you feel better although it weakens you physically. Your own world, you decide what you want. Because losing yourself to hallucination feels like the realest shit i have felt and would want it to last. Lose myself with a few others, it feels like you're already in heaven, cause these few makes you feel like you dont need anyone else in this corrupted, fucked-up real world. I want more.
Okay, i was a real idiot when i thought i had super speed. Hahaha. Yus nak step mane pnye Bboy. LOL.
And, i learned, being rude and dressing up, is not to show society that i am a RudeBoy. But to tell others, this is my way of life. Love Skavoovie.
anw, Lily Allen has a third nipple. Everyone, say "WOW!".

HAHAHAHHAHAHA. isap uh matrep. korang (N). motherfuckers. korang kene pukol, lagi 3 tgk. hahaha! rudies, now and forever. may we fight together, fall together.
Rudeboys never give up their Guns, no one can tell them what to do. Pound for pound they say they're Ruder Than You. Get out insurance and make up your will if you want to fight them.