
so long didnt watch, and watched just now. dah selalu tgk, dah tak sedih dah. hahaha.
t-t-tatted up!

i like girls who are tatted! yang lawa2 nya uh, not those gambar2 bodoh member buatkan kat rumah. -.- bila dah kahwin nak suruh bini buat full sleeve. uhuu, mesti sachok! hahahaha.
this is life.

so, you thought Barbie had a perfect life, huh? nothing is ever perfect.

tatted up


feel loved. cause you never know when you'll die. for now, aku nak masak maggi and makan!
thank you.


hi i am at home on a friday which is a public holiday. pathetic much? so anw, yesterday was such a boring day, cause i didnt really had the mood to do anything.
kept complaining to syafiq that i didnt wana study. must be cause of wednesday.. hahaha.
zulraidi okayokaybabies
if i have to lose a finger for you, believe me i would. after all the shit i put you thru, after all the stuffs you have been thru w me, i would put my life at risk for you bro. come what may, after all, we live to die.
keep it reaaaaaaaaaal.

saturday spent w these people. drank w zul, rad, seha, azyan. thats all i think. was fun while it lasted. nasib baik masih hidup. k love yall.
laughter always keeps your mind away from hurt.

back from shisha with amirin, syafiq d, chitchit and han-dsome. hahahahha. had fun, fucking funny uh these bitches. saw fadh over there. and he gelek2 w the dancer, haha! tak boleh angkat! hahahahaha.
so hard to get you outta my system.

true, i miss you. cause i ain't never had nobody do me, like you. i understand if you dont wana talk to me anymore. even your friends dont see what you see in me. hah. loser sia aku. so yea, get a guy who treats you like the world, and someone who isnt dumb, who listens to you, and.. everything im not. (Y) takecare, i love you.
and.. that girl, she's just a friend of mine.
khi ben
Hiiiiii n_n I is kind enough to update Ben's blog even after what he had done to me. Nah, im just helping him to update so that I can get my ice cream in return Anyway, he accidentally kicked my two little fingers today (he's suppose to kick the chair) And now, I have a blood clot on the tip of my two cute finger >:\ grrrrrrr!
Okeh enough of making him feel guilty Byeeeee n_n
Labels: kbye ben
LU. boleh rilek suduuuuuu.

so yea, went for the gig at blackhole. so proud to see rudies. susah nak nampak ramai gitu skrng. haha. the best part, was not the performance, it is.. KAS GADUH! hahahahhahahahaha. anw, i heard you been talkin bout me? youre telling everybody else, but me. hahaha, siapa kental skrng..
ruder than who?
to blackhole later for gig. no money. so hungry. now waiting for kas, yang taktau nak siap siang2. -.- so yea.. later, come what may, aku tak heran. bye.i dont need no batteries, cause im in charge!
fckyeah, swag so right. tyga tyga!
you all on Tyga's dick, just like every other chick.

just woke up, fucking hungry. no money for gig later, and it costs $2 only i think. -.- now i only have 80 cents. lol. oh and farah, AKU SORANG TIGER!!!!!!!!!! hahahahhahaha.
have a sip on this new drank i made,
met farah and zul afn kas and rad and jartand seha and yus. drank w zul and farah/. had a few extra drinks and now abit tipsy still. k gnyte.
nak kluar. tapi malas. -.- tapi nak kluar. tapi takder duit. -.- x2. anwwww, hahaha zuu updatekan tadi. amalkan selalu k zuu. thanks kejut tadi. lol. k bye nak mandi, gosok baju.........pastu pakai baju.
zuuzuuCintaa`Ketot here , updating for this BenRabakLiao's blog . Well this anak here , very lazy to update his own blog . So , he asked me to update for him . Ben , you owe me one hor ;D
- School starts at 10 just now.
- Went to school with slippers .. ? LOL . haha .
- Slack-ed with friends .
- Home Sweet Home .
that's all for today .
bored. board. boat. broad.


hi, its cause i was bored enough to start updating again, not because any of you were sexy.