You can be my number one, my main squeeze, you can be my baby.
Usually I don't do this, but you got me going crazy.
Been running through my mind all the time, on the daily.
I just gotta have you, forever my lady.
mana youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. :(

zuu's here
Hello (:Zuu's here. Helping this Ben to update his blog. He asked me to help him update. He's plain lazy to update. Kan ben , kan ben ? hahah . mainmain jer kayy. takmu amek hati (:
thanks to ben for he's been accompany-ing me thru my sleepness nights. i message-d him when i can't turn in to bed. and ben have been sucha a good friend by accompanying me. hehhe ^.^ thankyou , ben. and also, thankyou for the other day. the advice. zuu appreciate it lots, ben (:
well , actually zuu dah out of words on what to update for ben's blog. zuu's brain dah blank (: hehhe. so, i guess till here then .

-i miss my classmates. dimas, chitchit, han, shikin, amirin and all the rest gua malas nak type la chiqoooooo.
-zul, seha, faz and kart were at my house i dont remember when hahaahah banyak ketawa. k la i update cause was too bored, now bye.
-bye i nak gi jepun.... hahahahhaahaahha.

when can i have this much fun.
hahaah i suddenly remembered a conversation.
chitchit: ben, action cacat uh. depan ramai orang.
ben: k uh sembarang. *starts walking like a retard*
amirin: yela, skrng orang cacat tindik2 per. bochui sia.
hahahaahhaha omg i miss my class.
you can be my clefairy.


celebrated zul's birthday at 4stix.da lama tak jumpa faiz.
kacau didil.
kacau didil lagi.
kacau didil lagi.
walk to town.
tampal2. riverside, motherfucker! hahaha.
skate park.
drink lagi.
jesus mata kero.
bangun, balik.

Ahhhh kental nya Ben! :P
Hiiiiiii. Since Ben is sincere enough to give away his 5 pahala to me, I'm here to update his blog again -_- So I bet his day was fine besides kene halau dari class :P HAHAHA Oh and, I saw his Wallpost @ Facebook, laughing at Drea pasal Drea jatuh tssssssk tak baik siaaa Ben!
Anyway, I don't want my susu already since Ben told me that "minum susu AJER kan, later your badan besar, as in sapau." O.O Omfg, hope not. Tsk.
Labels: kbye ben
I don't know what to update but since Ben 'please' me, here I am blogging -_-" (HAHAHA AKU REPEAT. K)
His test was do-able (y) *according to him
Yes, he did study for it. n_n I think.
Hmmm, kay now I want Ice Cream plus my Susu Strawberry pasal dah tolong Ben update. Besok k? Thank Youuuuu! ♥
p/s: that heart shape pasal nak Ben belanje je -_-
Labels: bruh bruh -.-

baik pah?
lol anw, school has been fine this week, tak 'have fun' so far. and zul's and azyan's birthday is this saturday. da besar si zulraidi ni! hahahhahha.