dapat pahala lagi
- Friday- Cineleisure with Zul
- Saturday- Birthday Pit, drank 3 bottles
- Sunday- Stay home Sunday for him
So obviously, there's school tomorrow. OK see you peeps if you're in ITE CCK.
and to GUEST, (if you're here to spam) diam-diam la kau. sibuk je kat tagboard orang -_-
Labels: Aminnn
Hey thurrrr, it's shazzy melbourne updating! Just cause' I'm bored and all. hahah I actually have no idea what to blog aboutt. But I was watching this video, and dayuuuuuuuuuuuuum trey songz sexy! Ben, you'll get there one day... hahahaha! I'm kidding. I love you ben.
Oh! & I would like to tell you on how much I love this kid..
But unfortunately even on a scale from 1 to 1,000,000 I can't tell you on how much I love this kid. hahahaaa. K, I shall stop right here.
Have a great Wednesday night all ;)

Saturday biasa uh town, boring~ da lama tak dress up, uhuu. so anw besuk skula and im fucking irritated by the fact that the sch is so big. -.- so i asked chit to meet me at teck whye tmr pergi sesama uh.
one more thing, if i talk to you nicely, jgn tinggikan suara k? nanti aku binget. :) kbye i am so hungryzxcs nak mamamzxcs.
Hii Tyga,
I don't know what to blog but again, Ben's gonna give away his Pahala to me, so here I am blogging. Uhuuuu ^-^ So anyway, we've not been chatting for .. hmmm .. .weeks? So i don't know what he've been up to lately. Hope he's doing fine ^-^ Now, he's busy kacau-ing Nad (lol, from twitter) ok bye!ANYWAY, HI BEN, I MISS YOU, NO ,NOT YOU BUT YOUR JOKES, YOUR SMILE :D sweet kan! see you on Monday k.
Labels: AmlYsf