
sleep /slip/
–verb (used without object)
1. to take the rest afforded by a suspension of voluntary bodily functions and the natural suspension, complete or partial, of consciousness; cease being awake.
sleep. نوم. 睡觉. matulog. sommeil. schlaf. sonno. sueño. การนอนหลับ. ngủ. tidur.
wah so many ways to say 'sleep'.
nak tidur boleh, tapi bilang, so that people dont wait for your reply k? :)
You have to love what you do to want to do it everyday.- Aaliyah


oh.. that girl.



tonight is so the mendak. -.- facebook dead twitter dead im the only one not dead. im fucking hungry now. chatting w princess yang susah nak pujuk. -.- EY LAPAR LA SIAL!!!!!!!!


bestf? lol.


after puasa k, promise i spend time w you. ♥


been up all night infront of the lappy, like wtf, now my mata berat. gona go to sleep now. just wana say that.. NARI AKU TIDUR SENYUM!! HAHAHAHAH BYE GOODNIGHT LUVYALL!!
where? there.
waiting.... waiting.............................. waiting..................................tak online pun?
theres somethin' about you.. beautiful~


so yea, last night was spent at mardea's place, but before that went to buka puasa w zul at geylang. biasa la.
laughed like fuckers at mardea's place for the whole night. hahahahahaha. got home around.. 5-6?
been on the laptop ever since then, now chatting with lina vanillaaaaaa.
she very kental yknow, watch drama sikit2 nak nangis. hahahahhaha!